12th Annual Hawai’i Small Business Fair

The SBRRB had the opportunity to engage one on one with small business owners and help provide information about the SBRRB and our mission. We are honored to connect with many of Hawaii’s entrepreneurs!
SBRRB Administrator and Ex Officio are honored with awards

On July 29, 2022, SBRRB Administrator Dori Palcovich received recognition on her 20 years of service with DBEDT. She is the driving force behind the SBRRB and we are truly grateful for all that she does. Thank you for your support and dedication Dori!
And a HUGE congratulations to the SBRRB’s very own Ex Officio, Mark Ritchie, for receiving the 2022 DBEDT Manager of the Year award.
Three questions with the new chairs of the Small Business Regulatory Review Board

In 2019, the PBN discussed the appointments of Robert Cundiff as chair, and Garth Yamanaka as vice chair of the Small Business Regulatory Review Board.
Both Cundiff and Yamanaka have been board members for several years. Cundiff worked as senior vice president of Rengo Packaging, Inc. while Yamanaka works at Yamanaka Enterprises Inc. in Hilo with residential and commercial sales and property management.
See the PBN article with Cundiff and…
Read more… Three questions with the new chairs of the Small Business Regulatory Review Board
DOT tweaking airport rules for ride-hailing operators

Over several months in 2018, the Board reviewed DOT’s proposed HAR Chapter 20.1, Commercial Services at Public Airports, that allowed Uber and Lyft drivers to operate at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport. After hearing from the taxi cab drivers, the SBRRB agreed to allow DOT to assess whether to continue with the pilot program upon the adoption of the new rules so the Uber and Lyft drivers may have time to…
Read more… DOT tweaking airport rules for ride-hailing operators
Tension high over airport rideshare pilot program April 19, 2018

Long simmering tensions between the local taxi companies and transportation network companies, Uber and Lyft, erupted again. The spark was a public hearing to discuss a pilot program that allows the ride sharing companies to pick up and drop off passengers at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport in Honolulu. The state quietly extended the program until September, and yesterday was the first…
Read more… Tension high over airport rideshare pilot program April 19, 2018