The Small Business Regulatory Review Board exists to help protect the interests of small businesses in Hawaii by reviewing and making recommendations on new and existing rules written by state and county agencies.

When writing or amending rules that have an impact on small businesses, it’s important to get stakeholders (e.g. small business representatives, business associations, etc.) involved in the rulemaking process as early as possible to help mitigate possible conflicts down the road. This can most easily be achieved by connecting with business associations directly to solicit feedback. Once that has occurred, the following forms and instructions can be used to submit findings to SBRRB.

Prior to public hearing submit the Pre-Public Hearing Small Business Impact Statement form

After the public hearing submit the Post-Public Hearing Small Business Impact Statement form

Additional resources

Governor’s Administrative Directive – AD 18-02
This directive informs an agency what they are required to do when a rule impacts small business in Hawaii.